Chesapeake Bay Retriever Q&A

We have a chessie and live in a warmer climate. Is it ok to shave them for the summer?

Answer Question

Answers (6)

Never shave a dog! A dog's coat will insulate them in the cold and warmth. If you shave your dog, you may even create a problem of sunburns. Plus, it's not like a chessie's coat is so long or dense like a Samoyed.

A chessie has a special coat for the heat and the cold. The coat changes during the seasons. Don't shave the dog.

Oh God NO! do not shave a Chessy!!!

Oh God NO! do not shave a Chessy!!!

Oh God NO! do not shave a Chessy!!!

No,a Chessy will sleep on a tile floor to stay cool. Eat an ice cube, maybe a kiddie pool in the backyard. Brush once a week to help shed. That is all they need in warm weather.

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