The Bascottie is an agile short legged breed. It has a thick, wiry, wavy coat that is often black. Eyes are full open with a snout that looks like its smileing. The underbelly is round often with spots.
add infoThe Bascottie is known to be a high energy breed and very skilled at jumping despite it's short legs. It's hyper disposition may make it not suited for small children, although proper training can help in creating boundries.
add infoIf the Scottie side of the parent breed is dominant, the following possible health issues should be noted; Von Willebrand\'s Disease, Scotty Cramp, and Intervertebral Disc Disease.
add infoThis hybrid is a relatively new crossbreed of the Bassett Hound and Scottish Terrier. It is believed to have been introduced in the 2,000s.
add infoThis is a serious dog and doesn\'t tolerate teasing, even playfully, so this type of engagement should be avoided. In a family environment, older children that understand the independent nature of this pet would be best.
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