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The Basston is a playful dog. Well suited to apartment living if taken on frequent walks. This dog will entertain itself in a fenced yard. But be aware some digging may occur.
The Basston is a perfect blend of the Basset Hound's docile friendly nature and the Boston Terrier's quirky energy. This breed harnesses the best of both breeds making it a perfect family dog that adapts to all kinds of energy levels. Aggression is almost nonexistent in this breed. Basstons love to greet people and other dogs warmly. The terrier mentality shows through during training making this breed stubborn yet quite smart. Destructive chewing and digging is present during the earlier years. Nipping at humans is minimal.
Health problems can be introduced from the parent breeds. Eye problems such as cataracts and, glaucoma may occur. Also this hybrid can be predisposed to intervertebral disc disease, deafness and heart disease.
With a very short coat, there is some shedding. This shiny coat can be kept up with regular brushing using a bristle brush. Frequent bathing is not required.
A fenced yard is preferable. They will adapt to most family situations. They make a great companion pet for family, singles and elderly. It is possible this one will become your lap dog.
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Captain Jack and his Crew make their home in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, USA. They are part of a loving home, and raised as family members Our Mi-Ki\'s are well socialized and exceptionally loving because they interact with children and other pets all the time.
Age :
10 years
Black and white
This is my ten year-old Basston Stella. She's a good example of the Basston, with an easy mix of alertness and sleepiness! She was very easy to train to sit, stay, shake, etc. though her stubbornness keeps her from listening to anybody but me it seems.
Age :
1 year
Brindle and white
Jake the snake!
Age :
black and white
This is my Stella Bella again - in her usual pose of "Crash". She is a good sleeper!
Age :
black and white
This is a beautiful, sweet dog! She's generally very easygoing though protective of me. She was easy to train and minds very well. She looks like a miniature Bassett Hound with a black-and-white "paint job". She is much smaller than a Bassett Hounds and generally weighs around 30 pounds.