(Beagle and Lhasa Apso mix) The Be-Apso is a friendly playful hybrid that is loyal to it\'s owners. It tends to be a bit leery of strangers at first, but has a friendly nature.
add infoThe Be-Apso has short legs with moderate activity requirements. It can have a tendency towards independence which means separation anxiety is not normally found with this hybrid.
add infoPossible health issues passed down from the parent breeds can be; eye, joint and skin problems as well as allergies.
add infoSince this is a hybrid of the Beagle and Lhasa Apso most information found is documentation on the parent breeds. However it is believed this designer breed originates in the U.S. It is considered a popular hybrid. The Beagle has an uncanny ability to utilize its sense of smell. The Lhasa Apso is believed to be sacred in Tibet.
add infoBrushing a few times per week is in order for this dog. Also, be aware of sensitive skin issues. So when bathing it is advised to use a special shampoo. The ears should be kept clear of debris.
add infoThis hybrid can do very well in an apartment. But should be taken out at least once per day for socialization and exercise.
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