The Bea-Tzu is sometimes brown, black, tan, creamy, and/or white. Sometimes the color may be a mixture of two or more colors depending on the parents.
(Beagle and Shih Tzu mix) The Bea-Tzu is a companion dog that is also a good watchdog. They have a playful nature and do well with children. They adapt to a home with a fenced yard as well as apartment living.
add infoThe Bea-Tzu is intelligent and easy to train. It strives to be around family and is friendly and loyal. Some may be energetic. Exercise as needed.
add infoHealth concerns can include the following; Epilepsy, Kidney and Liver problems, Hypothyroidism, and Invertebral Disk Disease.
add infoIt is believed this hybrid may have originated in the U.S., but documentation is not available at this time. The Beagle was originally used for hunting, but have become a useful dog in sniffing out drugs. The Shih-Tzu dates back to early Tibet.
add infoThis hybrids long beautiful coat will require a trip to the groomer for trimming. Brush often and keep the face clean. When bathing use a gentle shampoo as the skin can be sensitive.
add infoThe Bea-Tzu is an active playful pet. They do well in an apartment as well as in a fenced yard.
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