Most look more like a Beagle than a Cavalier and will have softer fur than Beagle. The hair will remain short.
add infoThis breed, if properly socialized, is friendly to all people and dogs. They are very playful, energetic and enjoy company. They are quite intelligent and independent. They are known to be slightly stubborn. They are quick to understand when being trained, but they may choose not to obey. The Beagiler tends to show ownership over it's toys. It's very important to socialize this breed with as many people and dogs as possible.
add infoHealth issues from the parent breeds can include; diabetes, eye issues, dysplasia, patellar luxation, mitral endocardiosis
add infoThe Beagler was bred in Australia in the 1990s. Looking for a active, small dog with a less aggressive sense of smell, the Beagler came to be.
add infoThe Beagler will likely be a heavy shedder, so regular brushing is needed. How often to bathe will depend on the coat. A silkier coat will require more frequent bathing. Don\'t rule out an occasional trip to the groomer for a light trim. Also due to the shape of the mouth, dental hygiene is a must for this hybrid.
add infoWell suited for apartment dwelling, but be sure to give him plenty of toys to avoid boredom.
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