Border-Aussie Q&A

We are interested in a border-aussie puppy but would prefer a puppy or dog under a year old to be able to train them ourselves for the most part. We would prefer a dog that will be medium-sized as an adult. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jack and Linda

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Answers (2)

Not sure how long ago this question was posted but there are border Aussies for $200 right now on puppy find in Missouri if you search austrailian shepherds and then click the miniature Australian shepherd link and then in the top right corner click location and choose Missouri then go to sort by birth date. They are 12 days old :)

Not sure how long ago this question was posted but there are border Aussies for $200 right now on puppy find in Missouri if you search austrailian shepherds and then click the miniature Australian shepherd link and then in the top right corner click location and choose Missouri then go to sort by birth date. They are 12 days old :)

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