(Boston Terrier and Bichon Frise mix) The Bostchon is a small but sturdy built dog. They usually take on the features of the Boston Terrier\'s puggish nose and the coat length of the Bichon Frise.
add infoThe Bostchon is sensitive to changes, so a steady home life is a must. They love their family, children and adults, and will be happy to please. But consistent training is in order here as they have a tendency to be on the stubborn side.
add infoPossible health concerns passed down from the parent breeds are; eye problems, deafness, and Patellar Luxation
add infoThe Bostchon is believed to date back to the middle of the century, but just recently recognized as a designer hybrid.
add infoRegular brushing is needed to keep the coat free of tangles. An occasional bath will be required. Pay special attention to dental hygiene as tooth loss is inherited.
add infoA family home or apartment works for this hybrid. If there are constant changes in your household, this may not be the right pet for you. The Bostchon with its sensitive nature does not react well to changes. Moderate exercise and play times scheduled at or about the same time of day will benefit this loving fellow.
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