(Boston Terrier and Papillon mix) The Bostillon will have the stature of the Boston Terrier, but the facial features of the Papillon. The ears will be placed high on the head with fur that feathers around them. They can be observed prancing when they walk. Often they will have the black and white coloring of the Boston Terrier, but may pick up colors from the Papillon as well. In this case browns and reds can be inherited.
add infoThe Bostillon requires moderate exercise. This hybrid has a sweet nature, but requires regular routines. This breed will find constant changes upsetting. They are known to bark a bit.
add infoSome of the coat will be feathery. These areas should be combed and brushed to avoid matting and tangles. Frequent bathing is not necessary. Daily oral hygiene is important to maintain the teeth of the Bostillon.
add infoModerate play will work well for this one. An indoor dog, playtime can be split between outside and indoors. Socializing with other dogs at a park or other situation is fun for the Bostillon as long as they become accustomed early on. This designer breed does not tolerate high heat well.
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