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(Boston Terrier and Pekingese mix) The Bostinese can take on the stature of either parent breed. It may be sturdy and stout as the Boston Terrier, or long like the Pekingese. The snout is usually square but not pug nosed. Often the coat is seen in black and white, but this may vary as well.
The Bostinese gets very attached to its owner. It gets on well with children and other pets, but will be wary of strangers at first. Treated with lots of love and affection, you will find this hybrid to be a happy playful companion.
The following health concerns can be passed down from the parent breeds; Stenotic Nares, Patellar Luxation, Distichiasis, along with eye issues and deafness.
If the coat is lengthy you may wish to consider a professional groom. Otherwise, regular brushing and combing with some slight trimming of problem areas is suggested.
Moderate exercise is suited for the Bostinese. Playtime with their owner is needed for this playful hybrid to stay happy. Apartment life if taken on regular walks and trips to the park is fine. They do not adapt well to high heat climates.
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Medium Short Smooth Hair , 9 Inches High 19 Lbs .compact, stocky little dog, with a large square head that has a rounded forehead. Her muzzle is broad and deep with a well defined stop.Pink nose except when ill,Her upper lips hang down over the lower lips. Her teeth meet in an under bite and her lower jaw is square and deep. Her round, prominent eyes are set wide apart and are dark in color.Sure to melt your heart and get her way. Her bat ears stand erect, are broad at the base narrowing in a triangular shape and rounded at the tips. The height at the withers to the ground is approximately the same as the length from withers to the base of her cork-screw tail. She is the Lady of the House and demands to be treated as such!