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(Cairn Terrier and Pomeranian mix) The Cairanian is a little fellow and will be lots of fun to have around. They are double coated with a thick undercoat and long outercoat. They come in many colors. The pointed ears are large for the body size and they have short legs. These attributes make them an adorable little canine.
You will want to socialize them very early as they can have issues with small children and other animals. Since they are a bit stubborn potty training can be difficult for this hybrid. Be very consistent and reward a job well done. They are fun playful little guys.
The Cairn Terrier was first found in Scotland in the 15th century. This fierce little fellow was used for hunting and flushing out vermin, badgers and otter. The Pomeranian hales from Pomerania, Germany where it was noted as a companion pet.
Brushing a few times per week with a firm bristle brush and metal comb is recommended. A professional groom a couple of times per year might be a good idea.
A home with older children would be best for the Cairanian. They are an active dog and can become destructive if their needs aren\'t met. A game of fetch, going for walks and running and playing in general will be of great benefit to avoid any destructive behavior.
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Showing her willingness to cuddle -- but only at the end of a day's activity, including a mile walk. Also gives some idea of her size. She weighs nine pounds. She's more solid than she looks, with a big Cairn ribcage.
Her name comes from the fact she was rescued as a replacement of a deceased Pomeranian (Robbie II) for an elderly lady -- my friend's mother. At that point, the mother didn't realize it was a different dog, exclaiming "You found Robbie!" when this little lady was first brought in to her room. After my friend was no longer capable of providing home care for her mother, Robbie came to live 'upstairs.'
Robbie suffers from a certain amount of separation anxiety; gives a very rewarding welcome home.
Age :
Robbie III (Roberta)
blonde and light brown
Rescued from the Richmond BC pound nine years ago. Estimated age at that time was three.
Very loving, friendly to people, not so to other dogs. Possessive of her family. Still perky, playful and quite active. Loves her little squeaky toy, and loves us to play with her with it.
Walks in the park would be a 'Family Circus' route if she were allowed because she wants to sniff at everything. Also wants to greet everyone. We never let her off leash. Escaped the house one time and was returned after climbing aboard a transit bus -- to meet the people.
Had major dental surgery last year due to gingivitis. Otherwise has been remarkably healthy (knock on wood).
Won't settle down in the evening until her people are in the same room. Gets my vote for Most Adorable Dog Ever -- certainly in my 62 years.
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Age :
white and tan
Canberra is a Cairn Terrier - Pomeranian cross. She weighs 14 pounds.
She has what seems like endless energy and is very excitable.