(Cairn Terrier and Cocker Spaniel mix) The Cairicocker is small to medium with a sturdy frame. The legs are a bit short for the body. The coat will depend on the dominant parent breed. It may be wiry or longer and wavy. The ears can be pointed and erect or long and floppy.
add infoThe Cairicocker will have a sensitive nature. He is good with children as a general rule. Note he may have some issues with other animals, so socialization from an early age is needed. Also, you may get a barker in this hybrid mix, so apartment dwelling may not be the best home for him.
add infoThe Cairn Terrier was used to hunt vermin, otter and badgers. The Cocker Spaniel was first seen in the U.S. in the 1800s. They were used for hunting small game birds - particularly the Woodcock. Hence the name Cocker Spaniel.
add infoThe coat of the parent Cocker Spaniel, if inherited, will require regular brushing and some trimming to avoid matting. The wiry coat of the Cairn Terrier should be brushed with a stiff brush and an occasional trip to the groomer may be needed. If the ears are floppy, be sure to keep them clean and dry.
add infoA home with a fenced yard for play and activity will benefit the Cairicocker and help prevent boredom. He will require walking and running to use up some of that energy.
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