Carkie Information

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The Carkie tends to take on more characteristics of the Cairn Terrier than it does the Yorkshire terrier. They have erect pointed ears and some have long curled tails.

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This is hyper breed yet it’s content to lie around most of the day. They love attention and like to be close to their owners. They are intelligent and not too difficult to house break. They do well with children, especially if socialized from birth. Some may be stubborn and self willed. They make great family pets. Some may be territorial and aggressive to other dogs, but if socialized frequently they adapt quickly to other animals. They are known to be protective of other animals in their pack including Ferrets. Most are known to sing like the Cairn when they want attention.

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10-15 inches
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8-15 pounds
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General Health

This breed is a robust and healthy hybrid. Like the Cairn, the skin will dry out if the wrong shampoo is used. Most owners choose to use medicated shampoos or oatmeal based conditioners to keep the skin soft and hydrated.

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A Carkie needs to be brushed and combed every couple of days to maintain a soft, un-matted coat. Their fur should be kept medium to long length and well trimmed around their eyes and nose. Bathing is recommended every 3-4 weeks. This will keep their fur clean, shiny and un-matted.

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Ideal Environment

The Carkie enjoys small spaces like apartments and small houses but also do well in large homes with yards. They love to run, play and get plenty of exercise. With out proper exercise, they may gain weight quickly.

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