The Chesa-Poo has curly hair and is a minimal shedder. It has long legs, floppy ears and the head of a Poodle. The body will typically be thicker than that of the Poodle. The tail is normally kept long and the paws are webbed.
add infoA Chesa-Poo is a very friendly, mild mannered and approachable dog. It does well with people of all ages and although they are great hunting dogs. They adapt quickly to living with smaller animals, such as cats and rabbits, if they are introduced at a young age. They desire a great amount of affection, but they are at times stubborn as puppies.
add infoChesa-Poos are great dogs for people who are allergic to the majority of dog breeds. The curlier the fur the better for allergies. There has been no shedding observed. If they are going to be outdoor dogs then it would be appropriate to shave or clip their fur in the hot summer months. They require at at least two walks a day and/or some quality backyard play.
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