(Chinese Crested and Jack Russell Terrier mix) The China Jack is small in stature with a high energy level. The coat will depend on the dominate parent genes. It very well could be hairless. Coat colors can be seen in black, white, browns and reds.
add infoThe China Jack is know to be intelligent, full of energy, curious and playful. Some may be inherently food aggressive and may require training. Generally this breed is suited for life with other dogs and animals.
add infoThe Jack Russell Terrier was introduced in England approximately 200 years ago. He was bred to hunt the fox. His high energy made him an excellent canine for flushing them from their dens. It is not clear whether the Chinese Crested came from Africa or Mexico. But they did not originate in China. They can be hairless or of the powder puff variety with long soft coats.
add infoMaintenance will depend on the parent breeds dominant gene. The Jack Russell doesn\'t require a lot of brushing, but does shed quite a bit. The Chinese Crested, if hairless, will require wiping the skin with a damp cloth and sunscreens and lotions (special for dogs). If the Powder Puff variety daily brushing will be needed.
add infoThe China Jack will require a fenced yard to help him burn off some of the excessive energy he has. Be aware both parent breeds are hunters by nature and will most likely chase other animals. Also a trait of both is digging, so keep this hybrid entertained with games and toys. He won\'t do well on his own for long periods of time.
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