Chiweenie Q&A

I have a 5 week old chiweenie puppy. Can she go through the night with out food or should i be waking up to feed her.

Answer Question

Answers (6)

I received my chiweenie when she was 4 weeks old. She would eat canned dog food. What I did was put a tablespoon in a bowl she could reach at night and showed her were it was. At first she would cry when she was hungry and I would show her were the food was. After a couple of nights she would go to the bowl. (At night I kept her in a box beside my bed with her food in the box with her.)

feed your chiweenie though the night they get hungery alot.

I used to raise Manchester Terriers, so I have had a lot of experience raising pups. Five weeks old is a bit too young for a pup to be taken from its mother, as they are usually still nursing at that age. So, yes, it would be a good idea to feed the pup at least once during the night. Mix a small amount of honey with lukewarm whole milk, or feed with soft canned puppy food. Don't worry about waking the pup up. It will go back to sleep after feeding. Also, be sure to keep the pup warm.

no you dont have to because you dont wont wont to over feed him or her if u wake up in the morning and give him food you will be fine

no you dont have to because you dont wont wont to over feed him or her if u wake up in the morning and give him food he will be fine

We got our chiweenie at 4 1/2 weeks, which was young to be taken from it's mom. He did need to eat once a night. He is only 8 weeks old now and he still doesn't sleep all through the night without wanting to eat and drink,so we put a bowl of food and water by his bed and he can get up and eat when he wants to. We keep him in a pet playpen with a night light nearby so he can see when he needs to get up. He is really good about just going back to bed after he eats and uses the bathroom.

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