Answers (9) |
It's just because your puppy is new and if it sleeps upstairs then it feels that that is it's home. Nothing to worry about! It's just because your puppy is new and if it sleeps upstairs then it feels that that is it's home. Nothing to worry about! yes bigtime.they love one person only.thier whole world is with one.In ur case u. My Chiweenies puppy is the same way. She follows me around constantly. She loves my Mom, but will not stay with her without a lot of anxiety. I've read they are prone to separation anxiety. I am not sure how to train them out of this, but I frequently have puppy sitters come to my apartment and stay with her. I want her to get used to being with others. She whimpers, but calms down after awhile. My Chiweenies puppy is the same way. She follows me around constantly. She loves my Mom, but will not stay with her without a lot of anxiety. I've read they are prone to separation anxiety. I am not sure how to train them out of this, but I frequently have puppy sitters come to my apartment and stay with her. I want her to get used to being with others. She whimpers, but calms down after awhile. When i First got elvis he would do the exact same thing. They get very attached fast so i would recommend bringing the little fella with you wherever you go. To the store, car temporary in the car. I even used to carry Elvis around in my purse before he got to big. He is used to your sent so that is why he prefers to be in your room when your not there. Elvis showed traits of this when he was a puppy as well even as an adult he does this sometimes. Just give your little fella lots of love and attention and try to bring him with you places they are really good dogs and dont cause trouble. if you give it alot of attention it will be attached to you and o this when its older you are more likely to be the master if you keep traing and attention. it probroally goes to your room because it smells like you Mine is the same way. I can't walk 5 feet away from her without her jumping up to follow me and she will not let me out of view. Even when I take a shower, she has to be right there and I have to leave the shower curtain open just enough so that she can keep eyes on me. When it's time for me to go to work, I put her behind a dog gate but she quickly climbs over it and tries to run for the door to leave with me. When I get home, she whines and wags her tail like crazy until I pick her up and she won't want to be put down for about 10 minutes after I walk in the door. I have a 7 1/2 month old Chiweenie. She has always followed me around. The only reason she's not in my room when I leave is because I shut the door. If there are others in the house, she will get used to them eventually like mine did. But yes, they are a 1 person dog in their hearts and they are tricky, stubborn to teach. Very independent and smart. They thrive off of consistency. Eventually they figure out the homelife routine. Try to walk them regularly. They like stimulation -- new sites, new places, new things. |