Chiweenie Q&A

I keep getting mixed reviews about whether or not chiweenies are good with children. I have 4 kids and want to make sure the puppy we plan to get will adapt well to us. The owner of the puppies parents says both dogs are great with kids. What should I look for when selecting my puppy from the litter.

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Answers (16)

My Chiweenie loves kids. The best thing to do is get a young one so it will get used to children. A 5 year old dog that has never seen children before may be too scared of them.

My chiweenie loves kids. When I select a puppy, I watch for the puppies behavior. Some puppies are more outgoing than others. My chiweenie seemed more playful than the others and was extremely friendly. So I went off that behavior when I chose her. She fits into our family great.

It depends on the attention and the kids act i have a chiweenie and it can be cranky and my children are 11 and 13 he may bark or growl but you may have to disipline him

My Chiweenie is great with my kids. I have all boys, a newborn, 2yr old and a 10 yr old. When we went to pick him out we sat and watched the 4 pups play for a while and we didn't take the most playful one, but the one who seemed excited to play but would calm down quickly when we quit playing. The one thing I would watch after you pick your dog is to try and let everyone in your family handle it or it will attach itself to one person too much. We had that problem at first.

I have owned a large number of dogs during my life (81 now) and each dog, even from the same litter, has its own distinct personality. I agree with the former reply recommending that you get a pup. Children should be supervised and taught to avoid hurting the pup, as this would be detrimental to a good relationship. As far as picking the right one, choose one that is healthy, active,and outgoing (friendly, that is). Training for both pup and children is mandatory!

I've had my chiweenie for seven years and I wouldn't suggest her for kids. She's never bitten anyone, but she's VERY skittish and has snapped at my 4-year-old cousin. She's very protective of me- they tend to pick one person to REALLY like, they're one-owner dogs. This is just my experience with my little neurotic dog. I'd bring alllll the kids to pick out the dog, and give yourself enough time and thought to get to know the puppy's quirks.

I have a grand child with Downs Syndrome and both of my chiweenies have always been great with him and my other grandkids as well. They are both very lovable and love the attention

My chiweenie is skittish around strangers to begin with, but she is particularly afraid of children. As with most dogs, however, I think it is a matter of early socialization. The woman from whom I got my dog said she was afraid of children (I guess she had a bad experience), so I was not surprised when she seemed excessively shy around them. I think that if you make sure the puppy associates the children with positive experiences, you will not have problems. Also make sure that there is a zero tolerance policy when it comes to chewing/biting. My chiweenie LOVES nibbling fingers and, although we've trained her to be gentle, she can get overzealous while playing.

My chiweenie loves our kids, age 6 and 4, I couldn't have asked for a better match for my kids. She also gets along well with our cat. We got her at 8 weeks, and her breeder had kids, so maybe that helped. She barks minimally. She has a lot of energy and loves to snuggle and sleep on your lap when she is pooped out. She is 5 months now, she is 75% house broken, if you don't watch her, she will go #2 in the house when she is busy playing.

My Chiweenie is great with kids I have a two and half year old and they are best friends!! I got her when she was 7 months old but has done very well with my son and nephews that are almost three!! However my sister in law got my dogs brother at the same time and he growled and nipped at her kids all the time so they had to end up getting rid of him, In my opion it depends on the dog!!! Mine is great and we love her alot she is not a barker,never growls unless it is at a cat and loves all children and dogs the only problem we have had is she was a little hard to house break but now she is doing great she does the best with potty pads and does not like going outside when it is cold!! good luck choosing a puppy!!

My Chiweenie is great with kids I have a two and half year old and they are best friends!! I got her when she was 7 months old but has done very well with my son and nephews that are almost three!! However my sister in law got my dogs brother at the same time and he growled and nipped at her kids all the time so they had to end up getting rid of him, In my opion it depends on the dog!!! Mine is great and we love her allot she is not a barker,never growls unless it is at a cat and loves all children and dogs the only problem we have had is she was a little hard to house break but now she is doing great she does the best with potty pads and does not like going outside when it is cold!! good luck choosing a puppy!!

I have 4 kids from 13, 8,2,8 months. I bought two brothers @ 9 weeks and they are spool good with my kids. They play with them and run with the lids outside. They don't snap or bite the kids. Good dogs, I highly recommend them.

I have 4 kids from 13, 8,2,8 months. I bought two brothers @ 9 weeks and they are spool good with my kids. They play with them and run with the lids outside. They don't snap or bite the kids. Good dogs, I highly recommend them.

I really don't have a scientific answer. My Chiweenie, Anabell is the sweetest dog......however I have a 9 year old daughter. It really seems the two were meant to be mortal Anabell will bite her, although not too hard. and she always feels bad after when my daughter starts crying. Then she goes into protection mode, trying to make my daughter feel advise would be to just take extra time with the training and no bite tolerance.. and all should be fine.

I have a chiweenie, he's a year old now, I got him at about 9 weeks. I have read all the great reviews about this breed with children but I feel compelled to say that I do not agree. I don't have small children, my youngest daughter at home is 17. My dog has bitten me, my husband, and my 17 year old. He has probably bitten my 17 year old the most. I am at my wits end with this dog. I really love him. He is very close to me. I have had him in obedience class 2 times, the first time he bit the trainer. I have to say he has gotten better since being in the classes but he is very stubborn and wants to be the boss. I'm concerned because I have my first grandchild on the way and there is no way I would trust this dog around a child. I really don't trust him around anyone. He needs constant monitoring.

I have a chi-weenie puppy, I also have 13 grandchildren. My daughters come and take her claiming visitation rights with their sister, and she loves the kids. From babies to 10 year old, they all love each other. My only warning, be careful when the child is picking up the puppy, loving on it is good. But you pick it up and putting on their lap to pet. This puppy is so fragile, if the babies squeeze a little to tight while loving on her, she yelps in pain. However, I highly recommend them, My mom also had one when my brothers and I were kids, and we loved her too. She was the whole reason I got mine!

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