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A Cogol varies in color from golden to brown. They have a medium, silky coat with extra emphasis around the front and hind legs, behind the ears, and tail. The Cogols coat is sheen and wavy, specific to areas that vary for each individual dog. The most common of these areas are the ears and front legs.
A Cogol needs to be groomed on a regular basis, particularly the ears, tail, front and hind legs. The coat in these areas is long and wavy and prone to matting. The hair between their paws grows thick and needs to be trimmed once a month. A Cogol sheds twice a year, just after winter and during the summer. Weight gain is common in this hybrid and they need to be exercised to maintain a healthy weight.
This breed needs plenty of room to exercise. If a yard is not available, daily leash walks will be needed. This breed may become anxious and chew if under exercised.
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I took this picture of Sandy when we were both twelve, she passed away at fourteen years and lived a long happy life. I find that her breed was just the type I've always wanted. Able to look after herself but still very cuddly. She was an excellent ratter as well from living on a farm for five years, that was her job. A very nice sized dog able to go anywhere but she hated being in small yards or being away from human contact( which we learned from her chewing a hole through our door and our fence to get to us). I would highly recommend this dog to anybody looking for a dog that can help with jobs or just to have a very loving family pet.