Crested Schnauzer Information

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A mix of the Chinese Crested and Miniature Schnauzer, the Crested Schnauzer is a cute and smart little dog. The coat can be like that of either parent breed, or a mixture of both. More than likely, he will have the wiry coat as that of the Schnauzer.

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Due to the temperament of the Schnauzer, this may not be the best choice dog for children. They do have a jealous streak and can be nippy. Not to say this is the case in all situations, but is well worth taking into consideration. The Crested Schnauzer is intelligent and will train easily, but consistency is key here. He will try to control situations.

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11-14 inches
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10-15 pounds
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General Health

Any health concerns can be passed down from the parent breeds, but efforts have been made to reduce this risk. Things to look out for are; Pulmonic Stenosis, Urolithiasis, Eye Issues and Sick Sinus Syndrome

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Both parent breeds are known for their ability to hunt vermin.

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This will greatly depend on which parent coat is inherited. The Schnauzer like coat will require frequent brushing and trimming. The Chinese Crested coat will require more bathing with a delicate shampoo. Pay special attention to the skin which may require protection from the elements.

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Ideal Environment

Some vigorous activity will be required along with mental stimulation. They are active and full of curiosity. If you have a fenced yard, the terrier instinct may try to dig his way to freedom. Keep him busy in small increments. Know that he will try to manipulate so keep up that training.

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