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The Havachon is a very intelligent breed. They are good with children, other dogs and the elderly. They are easy to train and do well with owners that have families. They also make great companions for the elderly.
The Havachon is playful and sweet. They love attention and strive to please their owners. They are sometimes excitable and may have burst of energy. They are not aggressive. They aren’t known to be heavy barkers, but may give alert barks when someone is at the door.
Since the Havachon is a mix breed, it is less likely to inherit diseases and other disadvantages from its ancestors. They are healthy dogs. On rare occasions, some may suffer from eye problems inherent in the Bichon Frise.
Havachons are long haired and will need grooming. The Havachon needs regular brushing to prevent mats and discomfort. They are non-shedding and hypoallergenic.
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Fun playful dog loves to cuddle, great with people, Never aggressive and easily trained
Age :
16 months
15 lbs. of fun and love
Age :
17 month
The cutest doggy ever with the sweetest personality. Everybody loves Toffee!!! :)
Age :
Age :
12 weeks
black & white
He is very smart and seems to learn quickly. He has burst of energy at times, especially in the evenings, but when it is bedtime, he is out the rest of the night without a fuss. He came to us at 8 weeks and was pretty much paper trained from day one. He almost always wants to be in the same vicinity as us, usually in a lap or sleeping at our feet. We have gotten attached to the little guy in a very short time. We have been told by the breeder and the vet to expect him to be about 15 lbs, and about 11 inches. He is very sturdy looking. He needs daily brushing, but his coat fluffs out so nicely. We think Jasper is adorable.