Morkie Q&A

How do I get my dog to lose weight? She is about 10 pounds over weight. We walk her everyday and run her for about a mile a day. She is feed a half cup of food 2 times a day and is over weight. Is it the wrong food or just not enough exercise?

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Answers (2)

Assuming that she is on regular adult dog food, you seem to be doing everything correctly. If she is still on puppy food, it could explain her weight gain. You could switch her to diet dog food. It`s available from the vet or any major pet store. I`m not sure how long you`ve been exercising her but you should start to see results. 1 mile a day is plenty for a small breed.

My 14 1/2 year old Eskimo Spitz had trouble loosing weight for over three years. We walked him regularly, cut his food down (like you did), tried the weight control dog food, used green beans as filler to make him think he was getting extra. Basically, we did everything the Vet told us to do to help & nothing was working. (I was even chastised by a Vet tech for his over-weight problem). Then the tests came back that he had Cushings Disease & it wasn't my fault. The tests are expensive, but at least you can find out what is going on. Hopefully, if it is Cushings, you can try to control it: like the early forms of diabetes.

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