Morkie Q&A

I'm thinking of buying a toy eskimo puppy. but the only thing im not so fond of is the shedding. i heard that they leave litle white hairs all over?? is this true??

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Answers (6)

I have a male miniature eskie who lives indoors. We have hardwoods, and it looks like white tumbleweed!! I sweep several times a week to keep it under control. He's well worth the effort, though.

Please!!! do not get this beautiful pup if you do not want the shedding. Even with regular brushing, I have to clean the filters on my A/C once a week. I remove the front grill and use a soft broom to brush off the hair. I have 2 outer filters and 1 inner. Until I realized the dog hair was clogging the filters, my A/C bill doubled! I love my dog and personally find her antics and unconditional love well worth the time.

ours is a 3 year old male Kaja...yes there is some. but nothing to worry about, he goes out in the and sleeps by the door inside by nite (great watchdog/doorbell) I brush him twice a year outside with a mechanics wire brush. I get so much hair from him It could supply another dog!!!

Don't get a dog period if you are concerned about shedding. I had an eskie for 13 years. She died because of gall bladder stones. The surgery was unsuccessful, but she was the love of my life. The best dog I have ever owned bar non! You will not find a more loyal dog than the eskie.

This is probably not going to be the most popualr answer, but I keep my Eskie shaved in the summer. Hair about 1 inch long. We live in south Texas and have 5 to 6 months of 100 degree days and he just gets too hot with the full coat. This cuts down on the shedding in the house alot. No tumbleweeds! I bought a stiff brush to brush the hair off the sofa and do that alot. Buy white slipcovers and save yourself a big headache. Really, though, if you don't mind how they look with short hair, trim it and cut the shedding issues - also ends the "cling-ons" of poop hanging from their long rear end fur.

I've had my Eskie named Felony for 2 years now. Got him when he was 4 months. Yes, he sheds ALOT, especially in early spring and late fall. We had him shaved to about 3 inches last summer and as long as you brush/comb them a few times a week, you should be fine. Although I just moved into a Garden Basement apartment and the carpet down here is pine green. If I don't keep my regular grooming maintenance every few days the carpet turns PURE white. And yes.. you will have little white hairs everywhere. I used to let him sleep in my bed with me, but I broke that habit quickly, as I would wake up with a hair or two in my mouth, and a few white hairs stuck to my head(and no I'm not starting to grey). But I would put up with the hair everyday just to have this kind of breed. Very loyal, protective,cute, and LOVES walks. If you can get a pure bred for a good deal, don't shy away

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