Morkie Q&A

I have a white eskie. She has a brownish streak under her right eye. I was told dogs get that when they cry. Is it true? And how can I prevent that?

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Answers (5)

that isn't when they cry, its the type of water you use. waters with iron can cause this. Try getting distilled water. it should clear up.

No it's not the water. We have an American Eskimo pup and we asked our vet if the water thing was true. It's actually something in their tears and in their saliva that causes their fur to turn redish brown.

Their tears cause it. They also get it on their paws from licking their feet. Its called Oxidation. Theire is somthing in their tears and saliva that does it. Any ways, you shouldd be able to get some tear staine remover and it should clear right up. My american eskimo gets tear stains alot.

We have found that the brown spots under their eyes is caused by a yeast bacteria> I t can be easily taken care of and cleared totaly up to white again with a product called "eye envy" We have 3 wonderful mini American Eskimo's amd we sweep there shedding all the time. But there all worth it

We have a toy american eskimo dog, and we encountered the same problem only under both eyes. The dog was overall healthy, but this was really unsightly. I spoke with our vet about my concern during a visit for his needle. She had me try Optixcare eye cleaning wipes. (I had tried anything that did not contain antibiotics--and without success.) I followed the instructions, to the letter, so as to speak. The results were absolutely remarkable. Samson's eyes are now totally without stain. I have only the highest praise for these eye cleaning wipes, and they were not expensive-less than $10.00 for a pack of 50 wipes. I hope this helps!!

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