Morkie Q&A

My 8 year old eskie has just recently started to urinate on beds, especially while sleeping. She doesn't do it all the time but enough to cause my wife and myself concern. Averaging about one time per month. Any ideas?

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Answers (3)

Pee pee issues can sometimes indicate a urinary tract infection.

My eskie deveoped this problem after getting spayed. It is a common problem that can be solved by taking a prescription pill once a week for life.

My 4 yr old eskie started leaking urine in her sleep during treatment for a uti. He said they don't know why but sometimes it just starts for no reason. Something to do with the nerves around the bladder. After a day of being on the ProIn he prescribed, she is back to normal. No leaks! He said she may be able to go off the meds in a month.

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