Morkie Q&A

My bichon frise is only 3 yrs old and has already develop severe cataracts on both his eyes. He is always bumping into things and often looks very depressed. Is it normal for a bischon to get cataracts at such a young age?

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Answers (2)

My bichon is about to be 4 years old and we just found out he had cataracts about a month ago. But it has very rapidly gotten worse! I think it is common in bichons to get them at at early age. It has made him bump into things and become a little aggressive towards the others.

If you live in S. CA (San Marcos area)there is a vet who deals with only eye problems in pets. I got a sweetie from a rescue who had damage done to her eyes (one ruptured twice) He saved almost all of her sight and she actually loves going to see him.

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