Morkie Q&A

We have a Bernese and he keeps marking all over the house. This has just started happening for a couple of months and we dont know what to do. We love him but cant have him reck are house at the same time. He is almost six years old now so this is really weird for it to start now.

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Answers (2)

You may want to have him checked by your veterinarian to make sure it's not a medical issue like a kidney infection or bladder/urinary tract infection. It is unusual for a male dog of that age to all of sudden start marking in the house. Also, if something has changed in his environment like adding a new dog, especially a female, or maybe his status being threatened by a new male dog could cause him to start marking his territory, or even adding a new person to his household.

After determining that the dog does not have a medical reason to be doing this, having him neutered should eventually stop this behavior. Most (if not all) intact males will mark their territory.

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