Morkie Q&A

We were very fortunate to have adopted an American Eskie a few months ago. She is about 1 1/2 years old and appears to be completely healthy; however, she sheds clumps of hair then tends to regrow it and then sheds clumps again. When I view photos online all the dogs look very thick with fur and she appears to have a very thin coat. I do brush her nearly on a daily basis because of the huge clumps that she leaves behind on the rugs. Any suggestions for her to get the thick coat and stop the severe shedding? We live in northern Michigan in case it could be climate???Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

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Answers (4)

My first American Eskimo had a thinner coat and would shed in clumps also. Her shedding was worse in spring and autumn. She was also allergic to grass but it was unknown if that had anything to her thinner coat and clumpy shedding. We live in central Pennsylvania. Our second eskie has a very thick coat and doesn't seem to shed way our first did.

What your female is doing in the spring and autumn is called "blowing her coat" and all females do this right before they go into heat. I have a female and she sheds like crazy, literally clumps of hair come out all over the house. She appears to only have her undercoat for a few weeks, then her hair comes back nice and fluffy and thick. It is perfectly normal what your dog is experiencing.

Thank you so much for your expertise! She is still losing hair and looks so tiny with her mane almost gone. I hope she gets her thick coat back by this winter so she looks like a plump dog! LOL It does help getting advice so I know that it isn't something I am doing wrong. I even took her to the vet and he said it was a normal thing??? go figure

I have an american eskimo also. Shedding is an understatement. I did however find a food that Really helps with the Shedding and makes her Coat Beautiful and Soft. That food is Natural Choce by NUTRO. They guarantee better skin and coat in 7 weeks. It really works. The Kibble I feed her is CHICKEN, RICE & OATMEAL She loves it as does my Cocker Spaniel

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