Morkie Q&A

i am looking for an owner of a Canis Panther ,to tell me his expierence with the breed. Perferably someone who has had one for at least 5 years. I am very interested ,,i would just like to get an honest opinion. I have spoken with Rock of Ages Kennel ,,very nice lady and very intelligent about her breed. but i would like someone who is a personal owner.

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Answers (4)

I have had a female Canis Panther, from Rock of Ages, for about 5 1/2 years. She turned 6 a couple of months ago. What would you like to know?

I have had a female Canis Panther, from Rock of Ages, for about 5 1/2 years. She turned 6 a couple of months ago. What would you like to know?

I too have CP from Rock of Ages 6 year old male 115 lbs. Great Dog, very easy to train. This is a large breed and requires training and proper socialization. The protection trainer was very impressed ! No medical issues or temperament problems. I will be getting another CP from ROA.

We have one from the Illinois Doberman rescue. Did not know when adopted as a puppy he was part canis panther. Dad was canis panther and mom was dobie. Dad had to be put down due to biting and aggressive behavior as well as our dogs brother who was returned for growling at the family children even though adopted at 8 weeks. Our dog so far has bitten my daughter, snapped me on the arm, bitten out other dog a couple of times and snapped several other people. He growls at family members and guests. We've been working on behavioral issues since he was a puppy and he is now 1.4 years old and 105 lbs. there is a reason they are not recognized by AKC. We are going to see if we can save him because if we return him they will put him down. He may be well suited for police canon work and we are checking into that now. We have had owned 4 does over last 20 years and some with issues due to,abuse but this is different. Don't care how nice the people of ROA are these are not safe family dogs at this time. Someone has been breeding aggressive behaviors and it's not working for this breed! Will cause them suffering and a bad reputation.

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