Pekalier Q&A

Is a " Luxating Patella" (dislocating knee cap) in hind leg common for Pekaliers? Our baby was graded a 3 out of a 4 for sugery yet the Vet stated to use "Gluosamire/hondroitin Sulfate Supplements" at this time, unless, our Pekalier gets lame. I am looking into a second opinion from another Vet but wanted to know if anyone else has a had this same medial issue with their Pekalier and what the outcome was, surgery and how it helped or supplements and if that helped. Thank you.

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Answers (1)

It is a common problem with Cavaliers, so I would say yes. My Cavalier had it in one knee and the glucosamine/chondroitin kept him out of surgery for three years. I also got steps for him to the couch, bed, and a ramp from the deck. It is good to keep him from jumping as much as possible.

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