Pomchi Q&A

I have a 6.5 months old Boxador. He is very small to be close to either breeds (only weighing about 25lbs right now). A Large collar is even a bit big for him (Medium is too small). Is this normal for a Boxador? Could it possibly be that he is a runt? He is not thin but not fat either, just right.

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Answers (7)

I have a boxador and he is 7 months at 60+ lb. I think he is on the thin side.

I have a female at 4 months today and i think she is at 30. with the boxer body really fit in the back.

Boxadors get heavier with age but slowly. My Boxador was 22 lbs. at 12 weeks; 35 lbs at 9 months and stayed there until she was 2 years old. She was 48 lbs forever, it seemed. Now, she is 5 1/2 and weighs between 60-63 pounds depending on the day. She was the runt of the litter and a female. Females are usually 50-65 pounds but her sister retained more of the boxer characteristics and weighs 72 pounds full grown. I think the more Labrador, the sleeker the animal. My vet told me not to worry and he was right. Even at 63 lbs, she still looks "just right" and not fat at all. Actually, she has one of the best bodies of any dog that I have ever owned. Always get compliments on how beautiful she is (black with white strike on her breast).

Our boxodor came to us at 8 months at 24 pounds. At her adult weight (2 years) She is just a little small for a female, weighing 50 pounds. It's amazing what happens around 18 months of age...their bodies fill out, and their chests get broader, like a lab. He's probably fine. Because the are a mix of two breeds you can never be exact as to their adult size.

That's what I thought at first. My boxador at 5 months was 25 lbs. And when we would go to the dog park she looked so small compared to the other dogs. Now she is almost a year and weights around 45 lbs. We thought that she might be a runt, but her vet says that she is normal sized. At the dog park she goes to there is a full grown female boxador just like her and her owner says that when her dog was tiffanys (my dog) age she was that size. She has reached her max height but she still has to fill out a little more.

boxadors can be 75\ 110 pounds females 50/65 pounds so they can be Huge dogs so you don't worry everthing is going to be okay. because when I grow up i want to rescue dogs any type and I am a boxador and I am happy the thang I am not looking for takeing care of the the dog but I am Going to do it. because thats my dream. to take care Dogs.

boxadors can be 75\ 110 pounds females 50/65 pounds so they can be Huge dogs so you don't worry everthing is going to be okay. because when I grow up i want to rescue dogs any type and I am a boxador and I am happy the thang I am not looking for takeing care of the the dog but I am Going to do it. because thats my dream. to take care Dogs.

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