Pomchi Q&A

i have a six month old siberian and he loves to play but, he always wants to bite and sometimes i'm not sure if he's really playing...how do get him to stop or at least let up a little.

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Answers (2)

i have a husky too and he does the same thing. i was told that every tI'me he bites just shriek and pull away as a sign of him hurting you and he or she should let up a little. the thing is they aren't aware of how sharp their teeth are. especially at that age... but im no expert. it just worked for me

i have a husky too and he does the same thing. i was told that every tI'me he bites just shriek and pull away as a sign of him hurting you and he or she should let up a little. the thing is they aren't aware of how sharp their teeth are. especially at that age... but im no expert. it just worked for me

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