This breed has medium length cotton like hair that is not wiry. Their tail is short and they come in a variety of colors. They can be a mix of all colors in the Poodle and Coton de Tulear families. The Conton Poo closely resembles a purebred Coton de Tulear but with a shorter tail, smaller ears and they are often multi color. Most way 15 pounds at a maximum.
add infoCoton Poos make great family dogs. They do well with children and other dogs. They are very sociable and loving. They may play rough if not properly socialized. They are easy to train but may be difficult to house break.
add infoThe ideal environment for a Coton Poo, also known as a Poo Ton is inside the home. They do well in small apartments or large houses. They do not like to be left outside for long periods of time. They need the attention of their family and strive to please. They love children.
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