The Poogle is a hybrid between the Beagle and the Poodle and both the parent breeds are extremely popular. The Poogle has the loving and steady nature of the Beagle and on the other hand, has the soft coat of the Poodle. The Poogle is an agile dog which is also known for its watchdog skills. It has a life expectancy of 10-13 years.
add infoThis dog is a very active dog known for its friendly nature. The Poodle is known to be a loving dog, and it enjoys the company of children and even more of active children. They are a little wary of strangers and are extremely alert when a stranger is around making them excellent watchdogs. The qualities which it derives from its Beagle parent make the Poogle very friendly towards other dogs. The Poogle is known to be a little stubborn, but with the right type of training and a lot of mental stimulation, they make for the ideal companion.
add infoThere are often arguments that the mixed genetics in hybrid dogs often reduces the health risks, these arguments, however, do not have any scientific proof and also come with a flipside possibility that the laws of genetics, on the one hand, can diminish as well as amplify the health issues. Below are some health problems to which the Poogle can be at risk to as their parents suffer from the same, as no exact official data is available: Major Concerns Hip Dysplasia Periodontal Disease Patent Ductus Arteriosis (PDA) Minor Concerns Cataracts Diabetes Von Willebrand\'s Disease Hypothyroidism Addison\'s Disease Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
add infoThe Poodle is said to have been originated during the 1980s as a cross breed between the Poodle and the Beagle. More details are not available.
add infoThe Poogle is a hypoallergenic dog. Having a shorter coat like that of its Beagle parent would help in the dog becoming less hypoallergenic. The coat of the Poogle is wavy and curly, this requires to be groomed weekly and also to be trimmed frequently. The owners must pay close attention to the long ears of the Poogle which have long hair, this hair may at times get dirty and require to be cleaned in order to prevent infections. The Poogle is known to be prone to dental disease and is advised that the owners clean their teeth and mouth atleast thrice a week.
add infoThe Poogle is a dog which has energy levels varying from moderate to high and thus requires daily exercise. The exercises can be in the form of a couple of walks, playing with other dogs in the park, and at times also having playtime in the backyard of the house. It is advised not to leave your dog without supervision in the backyard. The ideal climate which they prefer is warm. The Poogle can adjust to living in an apartment style lifestyle if it gets the necessary daily exercises, however, houses having a small backyard are just apt for this dog.
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