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The Pugairn often has longer front legs than its bag legs and a curly tail with fringe. The ears often resemble that of the Pug with the protruding hairs of the Cairn. The head is round with the teeth and jaw of the terrier. The nose is black and the eyes bulge. The coat is often brindle.
add infoThe Pugairn is intelligent, playful and enjoys games of chase. Socialization may be required if this dog is to habitat with small rodents. This breed is often talkative to convey what it wants.
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DogProblems.com. Adam will do whatever it takes to help you whip your dog into shape. I've used them to help with my Great Dane as well as help friends train their dogs. It's the first place I go to help answer users Questions. Many training issues are too extensive to answer in this forum, which is why I refer a lot of the load to his site.
Update: I've been using and recommending DogProblems for three years now. I, as well as my users, value the techniques we've learned. I get weekly emails from users who have become better owners from the information they received.
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Die Hobbyzucht im „Butzemannhaus“ ist geprägt von Liebe und Respekt gegenüber den Tieren. Ich sehe meine Tiere nicht... |
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