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The Pugalier is normally larger than a standard sized Pug with a long snout and ears. The coat can vary in color and length and comes in many colors. The coat may also be short and thin or long and curly.
Most Pugaliers are friendly and love company. Pugaliers are very affectionate making them a great family dog. They don't require much exercise but can be very excitable as a puppy.
Will Malic Kirochi Charmendes had a pug cavalier mix named Duane he lived to be 16 years old
The Pugalier usually prefer to live indoors. They are fairly active on their own and won't require a large yard to get their required exercise. They are content with moderate length walks and really love to spend one on one time with their owners. Early training and socialization is a good idea as some dogs may be stubborn. They do well in homes with people of all ages, included the elderly and children. Family time is important to this breed and they thrive on attention.
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maximus is a little of energy he had two switches full bore and off switch nice and peacefull for about five minutes and hes off again watch out cats and our other dog callie hes all over them
Age :
8 weeks
Sookie is a bundle of energy. She's all muscle and very strong for such a little dog. She is extremely affectionate, loves just about everyone and everything and absolutely trives on attention.
Age :
6 months
This is Bently.He is adorable,playful,also very intelligent,teaching him new tricks with treats doesnt take long,..He also loves the beach and sleeping!Like the pugs, he would almost talk to you!
Age :
10 months
black and tan
Jenson is a lovely little 10 month long haired pugalier, he is looking more like a cav now, but his face still has some pug features. He's a little terror, into everything but a joy to have! x
Age :
7 months
Very friendly , and loves children but is very jumpy and can never tire her out even on a 3 hour walk , she is my little angel , this picture is when we first got her at 10 weeks