The combination of the Pug and Scottish Terrier, the Pugottie is a small dog breed. They are an excellent family pet with a happy nature but can be difficult to train because of their stubborn nature. Even though they enjoy the company of other pets and children, adult supervision is advised when with younger children. A reliable watchdog they would bark to alerts their owners at the slightest belief that there is a threat. It has a life expectancy of 12-15 years.
add infoThe Pugottie is a very lovable, friendly, curious, and alert breed. It must, however, be understood that they dislike strangers and introducing them to guests is of utmost importance. This breed acts as a good watchdog. Many owners often choose obedience sessions during the training sessions for their Pugottie as they are a very stubborn breed. Adult supervision is advised when they are with younger children as they do not like to be teased or squeezed
add infoThere are often arguments that the mixed genetics in hybrid dogs often reduces the health risks, these arguments, however, do not have any scientific proof and also come with a flipside possibility that the laws of genetics, on the one hand, can diminish as well as amplify the health issues. Below are some health problems to which the Pugottie can be at risk to as their parents suffer from the same, as no exact official data is available: Major Concerns Von Willebrand\'s Disease Brachycephalic Syndrome Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) Craniomandibular Osteopathy (Lion Jaw) Minor Concerns Entropion Skin-Fold Dermatitis Scottie Cramp Exposure Keratopathy Syndrome Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Dry Eye)
add infoA cross breed between the Pug and the Scottish Terrier, the Pugottie does not have much of a history as they have been around only from the 2000\'s that is roughly 10 years
add infoThe maintenance of your dog would totally depend upon the parental genes which they acquire as the Pug has a small coat whereas the Scottish Terrier has a wiry coat with a soft undercoat. So if the genes are more of the Pug then you would have to brush only once or maybe maximum twice a week, however, if the genes are of the Scottish Terrier, then the coat would require to be brushed at least four to five times in a week. Frequent bathing and using of even a mild shampoo would result in dry skin.
add infoThe ideal activity time for the Pugottie is at least 30 to 40 minutes daily. This activity time can be in the form of walks, a trip to the dog park and even activities in the yard. If enough activity time is not given to them daily, they can develop behavioral issues such as excessive barking and chewing household things. So it is advised to take them for at least two walks in a day and also give them around 30 minutes of playtime in the yard. The walks would help them to socialize with the other dogs as well.
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