Scoland Terrier Information

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The Scoland Terrier is black with white highlights. The shape of the head is similar to the West Highland White Terrier and the body resembles the Scottish Terrier.

My Scoland has the head shape of a Scottie, slightly longer legs and more brindle.

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They have great personalities and are very intelligent. They are playful and love to have fun. They are lovable but do so with a self-opinionated approach to life making them the perfect terrier.

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13-23 pounds
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General Health

The overall skin health of the Scoland Terrier is much better than that of a West Highland White Terrier.

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The Scoland is very smart and easy to train. This breed needs little exercise. The coat needs to be brushed daily and bathed occasionally.

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Ideal Environment

They do well in most living situations.

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Scoland Terrier Q&A

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Are there any Scoland Terrier Breeders out there? I

Hello form Montreal, Quebec, Canada! Yes in the provence of quebec, there is a family run breeder of different hybrids..Scoland terriers are one of them! We obtained our Scoland terrier at the S.P.C.A. our non-kill dog shelter!

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