They may have a tendency to look more like the Shetland Sheepdog than a Papillon, with the exception of their ears. They have the large ears of the Papillon and the hair grows out around the ears the same as a Papillon. This breed is comfortable around families and other dogs. They love to be lap dogs.
add infoThis breed is easy to train and easy to live with. They enjoy affection from their owners and love being a part of the family. They do well with children and other dogs. It’s important to start socializing them from birth. They may bark when guest come to the door, but this behavior can be trained out. They enjoy daily exercise.
add infoGrooming must be done frequently due to the thick coat of both the Sheltie and Papillon. Brushing should be done at least twice a week paying close attention to around the ears and the back of the legs as those areas get matted. They should only be bathed once or twice a month due to the natural oils in the fur. If they are washed too frequently the fur will become dry and brittle. A non-harsh shampoo and preferably conditioner should be used. These dogs do not need a lot of clipping, but you may need to neaten up the tail and the backs of the legs every couple of months. Due to their small size they don't need large walks. They prefer to be kept out of the sun on extremely hot days. Most owners do not clip their dogs heavily during the summer months as it takes a while for their fur to grow back.
add infoShelillons are the perfect family pet. They love attention but are not very boisterous. They thrive in the city or the countryside as long as they are properly exercised. As with some small dogs they often don’t socialize well with large breeds; however, this can be fixed with proper socialization from birth. They are friendly with small breeds.
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