Shichon Q&A

Are these dogs easy to potty train?

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Answers (3)

I found my Shiranian much easier to train than a lot of dogs, they catch on very quick and potty training was easy. They seem to love to please you so if you make it lots of attention and praise I have found they do well.

In Pops case VERY EASY! they are so eager to please that praise is highly acceptable to them!! and treats they will do a mid air spin and dive off a board for you LOL! I also have 2 tzus and by far the shiranian is the easiest to train, they learn so QUICK I was amazed and I used to train sheepdogs! so yes the answer with them is YES BUT ROUTINE WORKS REALLY WELL!

In Pops case VERY EASY! they are so eager to please that praise is highly acceptable to them!! and treats they will do a mid air spin and dive off a board for you LOL! I also have 2 tzus and by far the shiranian is the easiest to train, they learn so QUICK I was amazed and I used to train sheepdogs! so yes the answer with them is YES BUT ROUTINE WORKS REALLY WELL!

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