Shichon Q&A

Does a Shiranian dog shed?

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Answers (5)

they will most likely shed. One set of parents shed and the other doesnt so how much it will shed will depend on how much it takes from each parent. My shiranian has more of a pom coat and shitzu face ears so it sheds quite abit but is managable with brushing

yes quite a bit. Shih-tzus do not but the Pom in them sure does!I have a 4 pound Shiranian and she sheds like a lab!

It really does depend on which parent the Shiranian gets it's coat genes from. I have a nearly 6 month old Shiranian male puppy that sheds very little. His head & face bone structure takes after the Pom, yet his ears, tail & coat take after the Shih Tzu. His body and leg structure are more like a large Pom... He is the cutest, and smartest little guy, always eager to please, and very sociable.

I have a 4 year old Shiranian and she has never shed at all. She is the most lovable dog and she looks like an gremlin.

I have a 4 year old Shiranian and she has never shed at all. She is the most lovable dog and she looks like an gremlin.

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