Shichon Q&A

Hello everyone. I am afraid I may have made a mistake and puppy will suffer. We just bought an 8wk old brittany, Floyd, and we already love him. My husband hunts and I have 3 children. The problem is, we live in an apartment. I have the puppy now, he is a part of our family (2 whole days), I am not getting rid of him. I did read that they aren't the best apartment dogs before buying him but I also read that it can work so I chose to ignore the loud warnings and believed the few sites that said it was okay. Can anyone offer me advice on how to make this work? I know they need alot of play, but what constitutes "play"? Should we just be sure and take him for long runs/walks, what does he need to be happy? I also live in Chicago where it gets COLD and snowy. I'm not so worried about summer, my boys play sports, I am ALWAYS in a park at one of the boys' games so during warmer months Floyd will be at the park alot, but what do I do with him in the winter when it is just too cold to take him out?

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Answers (3)

I have had Brittany spaniels for years. They are very active and can desire a lot of attention. One thing i will tell you is that keeping the dog inside and plan on hunting him can be a problem as the cold may bother him when you take him out in the cold. also you have to make sure that someone works with the dog and train him. You may or may not have a good dog, it depends on the training and the family. You can teach a dog to do anything you want them too. and all it depends on is you. good luck as if you hunt him and you have trained him, then you will be glad you have him.

I had a Brittany in upstate NY near Rochester and he loved the winter. Just dry him off when he comes inside. Our 2nd britt just died at the age of 14 1/2 years . I miss him every day!

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