Answers (5) |
When I got our Cavalier we were advised to do the research as they do suffer with health issues, one bit of advise I was given is stay away from the smallest one as although they may look cute and cuddly they will invariably have health issues later in life. Cavaliers tend to come in different sizes just like humans. And can grow real big when they're older. I wouldn't worry about it. If you're worried about health problems, the puppies parents health records should be checked. Cavaliers tend to come in different sizes just like humans. And can grow real big when they're older. I wouldn't worry about it. If you're worried about health problems, the puppies parents health records should be checked. You can not determine a pup's future health by his birth size. He may have been the last egg fertilized by the 2nd or 3 rd mating and is really younger than the rest. He will catch up in size if that is the case, or he may just be the smallest, as one has to be, since they are never going to all be exactly the same size. If you want to determine his future health then ask about both parents health issues and that will give you more incite to his possible health issues. I had a Yorkie that was the runt and he only grew to 1 1/2 lbs., but he never had one single health issue his entire life. I got the smallest one from the litter, and he seems to be fine now. As a matter of fact, I have just had to put him on a diet because he is beginning to get a little to hearty looking...if you know what I mean. |