Shichon Q&A

My 8 year old Brit has Cushings and recently went blind. I will love her forever and now she will be my lap dog. I love to hunt and want to buy another Brit but I'm a little nervous. Does any one know of a tendency of this disease to occur in Brits?

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Answers (5)

From what I can find Brittany Spaniels aren`t specifically prone to Cushings disease. I`ve found that Beagles, Boston Terriers, Boxers, Dachshunds, Poodles, and Yorkshire Terriers are more prone than other breeds. I don`t think Brittanys are closely related to these breeds. However; there are several cases of Brittany`s having Cushings on Google but it seemed to be true with other breeds as well. I would say you have a much less chance of your new Brit getting Cushings vs say my Great Dane getting hip dysplasia.

I breed Brittany's and have never had one get Cushings. It is the first time I have ever heard of one getting them. I wouldnt be afraid to buy another Brittany, I might would pick another Breeder if it is genetic.

I am a member of a cushing's forum and we have a number of Brittany Spaniels that presented with Cushing's symptoms but tested negative. More than a few went blind overnight due to Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome. If your dog went blind quickly from 1 to 3 days, then I am pretty sure it is SARDS. Clinical trials conducted with SARDS dogs show that most develop atypical cushing's within a year of going blind. Atypical is where adrenal hormones are elevated. Please visit our forum at and join. We would love to hear about your experience and share others with you. You'll see that you are not alone.

I have had 3 brittanys in the last 12 years, and 2 of them came down with cushings, so I wonder if they may be predisposed to cushings after all. I also know that my vet has stated he has seen multiple cases of this disease in Britts. My dogs were around 8-9 when they came down with it. The first thing I noticed was teeth chattering, and trembling. Then the thinning hair, weight loss, and nervousness. It is an awful thing to watch a dog progress with this disease, and you have my sympathy. My vet put my dogs on prednisone, which helped for a time, but then the neurological damage (back legs going out from under her weakness) started, and I had to put her down... I will always have Britts because they are my favorites too, but am a bit nervous about getting another one as well. Good luck with your next ones, and we can only pray that these wonderful dogs aren't predisposed with such an awful condition...

I have had 3 brittanys in the last 12 years, and 2 of them came down with cushings, so I wonder if they may be predisposed to cushings after all. I also know that my vet has stated he has seen multiple cases of this disease in Britts. My dogs were around 8-9 when they came down with it. The first thing I noticed was teeth chattering, and trembling. Then the thinning hair, weight loss, and nervousness. It is an awful thing to watch a dog progress with this disease, and you have my sympathy. My vet put my dogs on prednisone, which helped for a time, but then the neurological damage (back legs going out from under her weakness) started, and I had to put her down... I will always have Britts because they are my favorites too, but am a bit nervous about getting another one as well. Good luck with your next ones, and we can only pray that these wonderful dogs aren't predisposed with such an awful condition...

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