Shichon Q&A

My Corgi is 1-1/2 years old, we've had him since he was 7 weeks old. He is neutered. We also have a yellow lab, 5 and a small munsterlander, 10. The lab is submissive in all things and the Corgi snaps and snarls at him all the time over food, toys, space, etc. I don't know what to do to put a stop to this. He does it to the small munsterlander too but not to the same extent. I've read that you should not make over the submissive dog and punish the alpha dog, but seriously, in our household, the small munsterlander came first, then the labrador, then the Corgi. So, what to do? The lab has always been shy, he was raised in a kennel at the Humane Society until we got him at 6 months, he's afraid of people (strangers) and barks ferociously at them but is too scared to actually go up to them and bite them. The Corgi is very aggressive and really tries to make the lab pay to live. I'm at my wits end as to what to do to stop this. Any help would be appreciated.

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Answers (3)

Any form of aggression should be cause for concern. I recommend calling a canine behavioralist, as aggression in any form is a serious matter.

The dogs do not care or respect who came first in the household. If your Corgi is dominant he will try to take over the house and either the other dogs will submit to him or they will challenge him and take the spot. The thing you need to focus on is that you are the Alpha over all of them. Corgis can be very stubborn and dominant they have to be to do the jobs they were bred to do but you must the pack leader in your house expecially when you have a Corgi. You must find a way to nip this aggression in the bud and I would suggest a call with a dog behaviorist who can teach you how to manage a multiple dog household.

First thing to do is to feed them in separate areas (crated, or baby gates) so each feels safe (including the corgi, some are nervous around bigger dogs and can show as aggression) each must be able to eat without feeling threatened. Give them specific time to finish eating, then remove any uneaten food. pick up any toys they are fighting over and make sure they have their own sleeping spots. Next, ASAP call a dog behavior expert or someone who can work with you one on one (maybe a corgi rescue group near you would have suggestions). Corgis are a very dominant breed; the herding dog temperment is very different than your sporting dogs. Herding breeds need to be bossy and sharp to keep livestock controlled, and their instinct will carry over in the home setting; they will try to manage and control other pets. Hopefully with a good trainer you will be able to get everyone to live in peace, but the corgi will be definitely be alpha. Might be difficult to accept but dogs dont care which of them was adopted first, or which one you think should be top dog, or whether you feel bad for the underdog. Best of luck to you!

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