A Shih Apso is is loyal and affectionate. It bonds closely with its owners and strives to please. It loves to follow, watch and participate. This breed is great with children and make great companions for the elderly. Some may be temperamental around strangers.
Shih apso need to groomed quite often as their hair get may become matted and get knots in it known such as dreadlocks. Is very important that you get your shih apso groomed often as they have two coats the undercoat curly where as the top coat is long. Shih apso should be groomed every 6 weeks if you can not do this then make sure you take them to a professional groomer this is also good to do anyway. A good thing to having a shih apso is that they do not shed like other dogs meaning they are good for people with allergies or people who do not like dog hair everywhere.
Shih apso are great for any sort of living area as they do not need much exercise this is because shih apso are a small dog. This doesn't you don't have to take them for a walk this will help with there health too. Shih apso are great around children too however some may be wary around strangers.
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Paisley is a GREAT dog loves people dogs and is very low maintenance. If your looking for a dog for exercise Shih Apso's are not the breed. Now if your looking for a lap dog who loves everyone. Shih Apso is the breed. Paisley Paddleboards with me and loves sitting in her bike basket while cruising the beach. Overall her nickname is Lazy Paisley =)
Age :
Age :
Baja Bear
Bear is a very dominant one-owner kind of dog. He hates to be without his "mama," and will follow me everywhere. He doesn't like other dogs around, although he doesn't get a choice! He "caretakes" his sister and lets her win in puppy wrestling. He even lets her take his bones! He is extremely loyal and very easy to train!
Age :
Maizy Moo
Maizy is a very dependant little dog, she looks to her brother and an older large dog for her social cues. She was difficult to house break. Maizy is very used to getting her way and will whine until she gets what it is she is after. She has two different color of blue eyes and has some vision problems.
Age :
12 months
Casey is high energy, loving yet sometimes quite demanding. As a puppy she was easily trained. Her mother was a 9 pound shih-tzu and her father was a 23 pound lhasa apso. At one year old she weighs just over 15 pounds.