First and foremost, this is a pack dog (animal). If you understand that and make sure that your dog understands it's position (last!) in the pecking order you should have no trouble. These are phenomenal dogs with a wonderful temperment. They are not, generally speaking, outwardly loving or attention cravers,but trust me the bond they establish with family is strong and they have your back. Great to cuddle with, great with young kids, just pay close attention to the warning growl if the dog feels smothered or trapped. The dog won't snap or bite, but will let you know he is uncomfortable with a low growl. They can be stubborn (husky gene) so it is worthwhile paying for good basic training unless you have a lot of time and experience to do it yourself. Generally, they are not barkers but will alert you to a newcomer. Much like a wolf, they have a shy nature about them, but are mostly extremely friendly to both other dogs and people when properly socialized. They can appear intimidating which has some advantages, but they are not naturally aggressive. I could go I and on based on my experience, but suffice it to say that SIDS are truly special, exceptional dogs.
If you're having problems training your dog or getting control, you should read our review of Adam will do whatever it takes to help you whip your dog into shape. I've used them to help with my Great Dane as well as help friends train their dogs. It's the first place I go to help answer users Questions. Many training issues are too extensive to answer in this forum, which is why I refer a lot of the load to his site.
Update: I've been using and recommending DogProblems for three years now. I, as well as my users, value the techniques we've learned. I get weekly emails from users who have become better owners from the information they received.
Hemi has slimmed down and lost his undercoat for the summer. He weighs in at around 100 pounds.
Age :
6 Months Old
Broken Patterned
Hemi playing in snow. Hemi has long fur with a dense undercoat. His coloring is called broken-patterned which was considered sacred among native americans, who called them "spirit dogs". Hemi is sweet and easy-going. Loves attention and absolutely anything you want to do is okay with him..... especially if it involves food.
Age :
8 Weeks Old
Broken Patterned
Hemi Howls
Age :
8 Weeks Old
Broken Patterned
Hemi Baby Picture
Age :
8 Weeks Old
Tokahe Win
Wolf Grey
Baby Picture
Age :
8 Weeks Old
Tokahe Win
Wolf Grey
Winnie's baby pictures
Age :
9 months old
Tokahe Win
Wolf Grey
Winnie goes boating!
Age :
2 Years
Tokahe Win
Wolf Grey
"Winnie" is a female Siberian Indian Dog. She stands about 26 inches and weighs 60 pounds. She is extremely smart and athletic. Her fur is considered medium length and she carriers a dense undercoat in the winter. She has two blue eyes. Although her coloring is called "Wolf Grey", Siberian Indian Dogs are NOT bred from wolves. Winnie is very affectionate, loves to play ball and "drops dead" for a favorite treat. She's a super cool dog and we anticipate her first litter to be born sometime in Fall 2010.