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The Silken Windhound is a crossbreed of Borzoi and Whippet hound and is well-known by the name “Silken.” This rare breed is popular in America and belongs to a family of sighthounds. It is available in many colors ranging from tan, white, black, grey, blue, red, silver, or a combination of these. Silken Windhounds are quite attractive with a graceful and athletic build. They are highly adaptable, hence suitable for apartment-style living. These companion canines have a long lifespan of 14-20 years.

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They are playful, affectionate, intelligent, expressive, and pleasing temperamental. Their loving and friendly nature turns them into poor watchdogs as they get easily mingled with everyone and barks quite less often. Because of their strong chasing instinct, they may require strict supervision.

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The Silken Windhounds can vary in size according to the genes. Their average height can be between 18-23.5 inches.
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Male Silkens are massive with an average weight of 33-55 pounds, whereas females weigh between 20-45 pounds
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General Health

The Silkens do not suffer to genetic predispositions, and this helps them to be a healthy breed. Although, it is necessary to have a complete record of the health issues that they can suffer in the nearby future. Some of the common health risks are as follows: Major concerns Lotus syndrome Umbilical hernia Cryptorchidism Cataracts Deafness MDR1 syndrome

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They don’t share a long history as it’s a relatively new breed. Francie Stull, a Borzoi breeder, developed this crossbreed in the year 1985 in the US as an attempt to create a long, silky coat sighthound. The United Kennel Club recognized it in the year 2001, though it’s yet to be recognized by the American Kennel Club. This intelligent breed is gaining rapid popularity because if its easy trainable nature.

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These affectionate dogs don’t require much maintenance, and they do shed little. You can brush its silky coat 2-3 times a week to maintain the coat quality. Occasional bathing is sufficient for your pet to look best. Make sure that you maintain hygiene by brushing their teeth daily and clipping worn-out nails as and when needed. Always keep an eye on your dog’s ear and paw pads for any parasitic infection or debris, if find any, do clean it with a damped cotton pad.

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Ideal Environment

This energetic dog needs atleast one long walk or runs daily. You have to be extra cautious as they tend to do prey hunt and wandering when outdoors. You can provide them agility training like crossing hurdles, weaving poles, tire jump, etc. for maintaining good physical and mental health.

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