Silkland Terrier Information

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The Silkland Terrier is a hybrid of the West Highland White Terrier(Westie) and the Silky Terrier. This cute dog is a mix of two pure toy breeds. They are available in four common colors, i.e., black, white, crème, and brown. It can adjust better in your family with early training.

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They are adorable, lively, intelligent, and great companions who enjoy lap sitting. They are undoubtedly good watchdogs but tend to bark often for alerting purpose. Early socialization can help them mix better with kids and other animals. Their pleasing personality will make you fall in love with them.

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9-11 inches.
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15-20 lbs
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General Health

Some major health-related concerns are as follows: • Seborrhea • Craniomandibular Osteopathy • Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca • Diabetes • Patellar Luxation • Legs calve Perthes disease • Deafness

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There is not enough information available about this designer breed. So, let’s have a look at its parent\'s history. The Silky Terrier is believed to be originated from Australia in the era 1800 and is therefore popular by names Australian Silky Terrier or Sydney Silky. It is a crossbreed of Yorkshire Terrier and Australian Terriers. The American Kennel Club recognized it in the year 1959. On the other hand, the Westie originated from the Scottish Highlands in the 1800s. It’s famous by the names Roseneath Terrier, the Highland, Poltalloch Terrier and the West Highlander. This breed was initially red but was later bred in white color. The American Kennel Club recognized it in the year 1908. It is also ranked at number 41 in the category of the popular canine breed.

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The SILKLAND breed requires high maintenance as it has thick and silky fur which requires proper brushing and professional visits to a pet salon to avoid tangles, matting, or any debris. Regular combing can improve coat quality. You can brush their teeth twice or thrice a week and clip nails monthly. Always keep their ears clean to prevent any infections and skin allergies.

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Ideal Environment

They need moderate exercises to stay healthy. You can take them for a walk of 2 hours to allow them to wear their excess energy out. They are known to be energetic and playful with their favorite games as, the fetch game or hunt and seek games. The Silk and Terrier has a high tendency of hunting and likes to wander. Thus, keep a close look at them whenever off the leash.

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