Easy to fall in love! Sweet, lovable, loyal dog with high energy. Enjoys the family being together. Very smart dog that consistently observes everything around. No problem potty training although can be demanding and territorial. Good with children and playful.
Great for anyone looking for companionship that can provide a playful environment. Good with children. Best to be with people as much as possible. Do not recommend this dog for those that are away from the home on a routine basis.
This breed is not recommended for people with loose rabbits or guinea pigs. They may have a prey animal instinct when they get sight of them. It's best to keep them on leash for same reason. Squirrels can cause them to run into traffic.
If you're having problems training your dog or getting control, you should read our review of DogProblems.com. Adam will do whatever it takes to help you whip your dog into shape. I've used them to help with my Great Dane as well as help friends train their dogs. It's the first place I go to help answer users Questions. Many training issues are too extensive to answer in this forum, which is why I refer a lot of the load to his site.
Update: I've been using and recommending DogProblems for three years now. I, as well as my users, value the techniques we've learned. I get weekly emails from users who have become better owners from the information they received.
Frances is cuddly, sweet, and loves everyone. People stop us on the street and yell from their car windows to ask about her, or comment on her expressive face and soulful eyes. She loves to be outside, but if she gets off-leash she will run far very quickly which can be scary! Otherwise, she is a little doll!
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Bailey is our Wheatzer(Wheaten/Schnauzer) We rescued him at 18mths and we love him to death. He loves his mommy. I can't even go to the washroom with out him sitting outside the door. If I'm home he barks at anyone who comes in to the room until I relieve him of "Guard Duty" which he took upon himself I might add. He has a small problem with my husband. We think he is trying to play by barking at him and nipping his pants EVERY time he moves and breathes. The jury is still out on that one. Depite being nervous and shy. He plays a very lax game of fetch. Love to play chase me down the street when I run out the front door. Hates, absolutely HATES, being outside alone. There are no doors shut unless he's on your side of it, unless daddy's in there with you, then he'll let it go. I love my cuddly little moose. He's 35-40 lbs, He's Wheaten mostly, I trim him up to be Wheaten anyway and he has a Wheaten bark thank god I don't like mini schnauzer barking. He's a great dog I would recommend to anyone.
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Cally relaxing on the coach wearing a pink shirt that she is not too fond of.